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Making the Maltese cross

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People who care about health in Malta were alarmed towards the end of last year to learn who had been appointed to the most important new job in the country's educational system, the president of the board of governors of the prestigious new Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. The brand new institution is scheduled to open early this year, with an initial student population of 4000, an ambitious target at half the size of Malta's university. It is intended to produce graduates to supply the needs of industry, thereby aiding and shaping the future of the economy. So who is to lead the bold new flagship college? Step forward Mr Victor Scicluna, president of the Malta Employers' Association and retired boss of Central Cigarettes Co, local subsidiary of BAT. Quite where he will stand when a cigarette company starts distributing free, glossy materials promoting cigarettes to the students, such as those seen in the Czech Republic (seeTobacco Control2000;9:11–12), remains to be seen.